February 12, 2025

Guacamole Remote Desktop!!

Login Screen
Apache Guacamole Login

Add remote desktop capabilities to your home server!!

I was looking for a way to easily remotely desktop into my home servers using the ssh protocol. Doing a web search, I found Apache Guacamole. It keeps all of my ssh sessions in one place and allows me to quickly make changes or update my servers in a web page.

List of SSH sessions in Apache Guacamole
SSH sessions that are available to me through Guacamole

Apache Guacamole is a free and open-source cross-platform Remote Desktop Gateway maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It allows you to take control of a remote computer or virtual machine via a web browser. The server runs on most Linux distributions and the client runs on any modern web browser. It supports standard remote protocols like RDP, VNC or SSH remote protocols to access resources. The client runs on web browsers which allows users to connect to their remote desktops without using an installed client.

Apache Guacamole Install

Show of Apache Guacamole being installed in a LXC container in Proxmox
Proxmox Server with a LXC container for Apache Guacamole

The install was relatively easy. I created a LXC container on my Promox server with the latest version of Debian Linux. Then I used the guide in the link below.


Next, I added it to one of my domains and gave it a subdomain so I could access Apache Guacamole from any web client.

It is a great application that I thought I would share. You could also use the RDP protocol to remote desktop into a Windows computer in your home from anywhere. As always feel free to ask any questions or leave any comment.



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